Say no to genetically modified rice

A new genetically modified rice variety is on its way to enter the European Union. The rice made by Bayer called LL62 has been genetically engineered to withstand high doses of glufosinate, a herbicide sprayed on rice fields to control a wide range of weeds. It's no surprise that Bayer has also developed the glufosinate itself, that is considered to be so dangerous to humans and the environment that it will soon be banned in Europe in accordance with recently-adopted EU legislation. In a few month, the European Union will decide whether or not this GM rice can enter  the EU, appear on supermarkets and at least end up on our dinning plates. Conventional and organic rice is at great risk from being contaminated by GM strains should the EU approve the import of Bayer GM rice, and farmers in the US and elsewhere may soon start planting it. Please take action against genetically modified rice in the European Union.

See the Campaign against genetically engeniered rice

Background paper

Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms on an application for the placing on the market of glufosinate tolerant genetically modified rice LLRICE62

Summary of Application for genetically modified rice LL601

New Pesticide Regulation

Greenpeace background paper
Bayer’s Double Trouble. When genetically engineered rice meets a toxic pesticide.