Save Our Seeds

Saatgut ist die Grundlage unserer Ernährung. Es steht am Anfang und am Ende eines Pflanzenlebens. Die Vielfalt und freie Zugänglichkeit dieses Menschheitserbes zu erhalten, das von Generation zu Generation weitergegeben wird, ist die Aufgabe von Save Our Seeds.

Foto: Weizenkorn Triticum Karamyschevii Schwamlicum fotografiert von Ursula Schulz-Dornburg im Vavilov Institut zu St.Petersburg

03.01.2006 |

Germany: New Ag-minister changes farm policy

The new Agriculture Minister Horst Seehofer plans to cut backing for ecological farming and pave the way for genetically modified crops.</p><p><a href=",2144,1834803,00.html">Deutsche Welle: Discontent Simmers Over Change in German Farm Policy</a>

02.01.2006 |

USA: GMO field trials out of control

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture "Current (USDA) regulations, policies and procedures do not go far enough to ensure the safe introduction of agricultural biotechnology". The audit report released by the USDA says the agency "lacks basic information" on where field tests are or what is done with the crops after they are harvested.</p><p><a href="">Desmoines Register: Report blasts oversight of test fields</a></p><p><a href="">USDA, Office of Inspector General: Audit report on GM field trials</a>

31.12.2005 |

Roundup: the first decade of GM crops

Ten years after the first GM seeds were introduced for commercial use in the USA the technology is still highly controversial in major markets. Very few products have been introduced, still 52 percent of all corn, 79 percent of cotton and 87 percent of soybeans planted in the US are GM and have one name: Monsanto. "The early promises of biotech crops remain largely unrealized," Reuters notes.</p><p><a href=",+losses/2100-11390_3-6012575.html">Reuters: Biotech crops mark first decade with wins, losses</a>

22.12.2005 |

EU Commission proposes new organic rules

The EU Commission has published a proposal how to revise the regulation of organic production and labelling. The International Federation of Organic Agriculture IFOAM has cautiously welcomed the proposal. It also entails to set the labelling threshold for accidental contamination with GMO at the same 0,9% as for conventional food and feed. So far no specific standards on accidential contamination are set in the rules, leaving room for different interpretations.</p><p><a href="">EUROPA - Rapid - Press Releases</a></p><p><p><a href="">IFOAM Press Release</a></p><p><p><a href="">FoE Europe Press Release</a></p><p>

22.12.2005 |

Belarus: GM labelling decree enters into force

Labelling of genetically modified food is now law in Belarus. The Belarus government issued a decree requiring labelling of GMOs in spring this year.</p><p><a href="">Consumers International</a>

15.12.2005 |

Has the EU already lost the WTO dispute on GMOs?

NGO Campaigners at the WTO Ministerial Conference in Hongkong delivered a petition "WTO: Hands Off Our Food" signed by more than 135,000 citizens from 100 countries and more than 740 organisations representing 60 million people against the US driven trade dispute over precautionary EU GMO legislation. WTO Deputy Director General Alejandro Jara at the handover refused to comment on earlier statements of former WTO chief Supachai that the WTO dispute panel had already decided against the EU. The official verdict is expected in January 2006. International activists Vandana Shiva and Jose Bove announced a global campaign against Monsanto: "This is not a case of US versus the EU, but clearly Monsanto versus the civil society".</p><p><a href="">Friends of the Earth: Bite back</a></p><p><a href="">FOE briefing on the US vs. EU WTO GMO dispute</a></p><p><a href="">Kerala News: Vandana Shiva takes fight against Monsanto to Hong Kong</a>

10.12.2005 |

French Court acquits GMO protesters

A court in Orleans has acquitted for the first time 49 "faucheurs volontaires" who had destroyed GM maize fields. The judges said the protesters "proved that they committed voluntary acts of damage on the goods of a third party in response to the needs of the situation ... a necessity driven by the uncontrolled release of modified genes that constitutes a real and present danger, and may be a source of undesired contamination and pollution".</p><p><a href="">EuroNews : French court acquits anti-GMO protesters</a></p><p><a href="">Collectif des Faucheurs Volontaires d'OGM (F)</a></p><p><a href="">Nouvelle Observateur: Le tribunal correctionnel d'Orléans relaxe 49 faucheurs d'OGM (F)</a>

09.12.2005 |

Iceland: New GE Campaign Website

The GE campaign has launched a new website (in English), providing information and feedback on the situation in Iceland.</p><p><a href="">Campaign Website</a></p><p><a href="">GMOs in Iceland - The Present State of Affairs</a>

09.12.2005 |

Ireland: Coexistence Report Published

The Irish Minister for Agriculture and Food, Mary Coughlan T.D., announced today the publishing of the 'Report on Coexistence of GM and non-GM Crops in Ireland' and invites observations from interested parties. The Report is now available on the Department`s website.</p><p><a href="">Department of Agriculture and Food</a></p><p><a href="">Report: Coexistence of GM and non-GM Crops in Ireland</a>

08.12.2005 |

Iraq: Concerns over wheat heritage and US seed regulations

One of the hundred orders left by the US governor of Iraq Paul Bremer in 2004 imposes US standards of seed patenting and control over Iraqi farmers, also paving the way for GM wheat. Iraq is is the centre of origin of wheat, which was first cultivated in the mesopotamian basin. But the countries seed diversity has been badly decimated.</p><p><a href="">The Scientist: Critics decry GM rule in Iraq, Nov. 30, 2005</a>



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