Save Our Seeds

Saatgut ist die Grundlage unserer Ernährung. Es steht am Anfang und am Ende eines Pflanzenlebens. Die Vielfalt und freie Zugänglichkeit dieses Menschheitserbes zu erhalten, das von Generation zu Generation weitergegeben wird, ist die Aufgabe von Save Our Seeds.

Foto: Weizenkorn Triticum Karamyschevii Schwamlicum fotografiert von Ursula Schulz-Dornburg im Vavilov Institut zu St.Petersburg

30.01.2006 |

Moratorium on Terminator Technology questioned as CBD meets

A global moratorium on genetically modified sterile seeds, dubbed as Terminator technology or Genetic Use Restriction Technologies (GURTs), will not be officially lifted at the upcoming conference of parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). However, some countries managed to introduce language on "case by case" assessments of these technologies into recommendations of the preparatory working group, designed to erode the present ban on Terminator.</p><p><a href="">GENET: update on Terminator Technology and the CBD de facto moratorium</a></p><p><a href="">Canadian Press: Canada said to be undermining global ban on terminator seeds</a></p><p><a href="">Official Report of the Working Group in Granada</a></p><p><a href="">GeneWatch UK: Why Terminator Technology Won't Prevent GM Contamination</a></p><p><a href="">Ban Terminator Campaign</a>

23.01.2006 |

Austria wants to ban EU approved GMO oilseed rape

The Austrian government has announced its intentio to impose a national ban on the import of genetically modified oilseed rape GT73, which has only recently been approved by the EU Commission against a majority of member states votes. Oilseed rape is especially problematic as imports of the small grains, intended for feed use only, cannot reliably be prevented from spillage and subsequent growing.</p><p><a href="">FOE: Austria bans Monsanto`s GMO oilseed rape</a></p><p><a href="">Standard: Genraps - österreich legt sich quer</a></p><p><a href="">Telepolis: Die ersten von morgen...</a>

20.01.2006 |

Germany: GM-companies refuse compensation fund

The new German govermnent would like to see GMOs planted in the country and is willing to replace present liability regulations seen as a major obstacle with a compensation fund for GM contamination. GM companies however refuse to pay into such a fund.</p><p><a href="">Checkbiotech: GM crops in Germany stalled</a>

20.01.2006 |

3/4 of Swedish farmers reject GMOs

Swedish farmers remain solidly opposed to GMOs despite recent moves by major farm cooperatives to introduce GMO feed and GMO crops. In an opinion poll published 20 January in the farm journal ATL, 74 % of farmers say they will not consider growing GMOs, while 68 % say they will not use GMO feed.</p><p><a href="">ATL, Lantbrukets Affärstidning (Swedish)</a></p><p><a href="">Translation</a>

19.01.2006 |

Background: Why pharma-crops don't yield so far

Most biotech-companies who started developing GMOs to produce pharmaceutical products have been closed down again, "The Scientist" observes. "Pharmaceutical and biotech companies have enough risk taking a new drug through the approval process. To add to that an as-yet unproven plant-based technology is not something they are willing to do," said Roger Wyse, managing director of Burrill and Co., a San Francisco-based life sciences venture capital firm. "That`s adding risk on top of risk," he told The Scientist.</p><p><a href="">The Scientist: LSBC closing signals pharming trouble</a>

13.01.2006 |

EU authorises 3 new GMOs for import

The EU Commission has approved the import of 3 new GMOs for import. The decision was made after the Council of EU ministers did not reach a conclusion with qualified majority.</p><p><a href="">Forbes: EU authorises three GMO maize types for marketing in EU after Monsanto requests</a></p><p><a href="">FOE Europe: EU Commission caves in to biotech industry, Monsanto GM maize authorised</a>

13.01.2006 |

Protest against EU Commission in Athens

Greenpeace activists staged a protest against the EU Commissions decision to waive the Greek ban on 17 GM varieties of GM maize in front of the EU office in Athens.</p><p><a href="">Kathmerini: Greenpeace protest</a>

12.01.2006 |

Industry association publishes GMO planting figures for 2005

According to the industry sponsored "ISAAA" global planting of GMOs rose from 81 to 90 mio ha in 2005. 95 % of the crops are grown in 5 countries: USA (55 mio ha), Argentina (17,1), Brasil (9,4) Canada (5,8), China (3,3). Adding 3 more countries Paraguay (1,3), India (1,3), South Africa (0,5) results in 99% of all GM crops. The crops are still herbicide restistant and insecticidal. The growth rate of 11,4% is the lowest in the 10 year history of GMOs. in an analysis study Friends of the Earth pointed out that ISAAA has never published the sources of its estimates and that after 30 years of development still only two gm traits are planted at commercial scale.</p><p><a href="">Dow Jones: Biotech Farming Grew At Lowest Rate In 10 Years</a></p><p><a href="">Reuters: World biotech plantings expand but at slower rate</a></p><p><a href="">ISAAA homepage with press release and charts</a></p><p><a href="">FOE: Factsheet who benefits from gm crops?</a></p><p><a href="">IPS: Biotech "Revolution" May Be Losing Steam</a>

10.01.2006 |

EU Commission orders Greece to lift ban on GM seed varieties

The European Commission has ordered Greece to allow the sale and use of 17 maize varieties containing Monsantos Mon 810 bt gene, which kills insects. The Greek government had banned these varieties despite their inscription in the EU common seed catalogue, after there had been no qualified majority against this proposal in the EU Council of ministers.</p><p><a href="">E.U. orders Greece to lift ban on Monsanto corn seed - Biotechnology - Food & Beverages - Medical Products</a>

04.01.2006 |

WTO ruling in US vs. EU GMO case delayed again

The long awaited verdict of the WTO dispute panel on the GMO import case of the USA against the European Union has been delayed once more. Diplomats do not expect the preliminary finding before February now. The panel of judges was set up in March 2004 with a ruling initially due within six months.</p><p><a href="">Reuters: WTO again delays ruling in row over EU GMO policy</a>



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