Save Our Seeds

Saatgut ist die Grundlage unserer Ernährung. Es steht am Anfang und am Ende eines Pflanzenlebens. Die Vielfalt und freie Zugänglichkeit dieses Menschheitserbes zu erhalten, das von Generation zu Generation weitergegeben wird, ist die Aufgabe von Save Our Seeds.

Foto: Weizenkorn Triticum Karamyschevii Schwamlicum fotografiert von Ursula Schulz-Dornburg im Vavilov Institut zu St.Petersburg

17.11.2005 |

Swiss to Vote on Five-Year GMO Ban

Swiss voters go to the polls on November 27 to review a measure that would impose one of the strictest bans in Europe on the use of genetically modified organisms, or GMOs. The referendum, if approved, would impose a five-year moratorium on the cultivation of any plant or import of any animal whose genes have been altered in the laboratory.</p><p><a href="">Reuters</a>

15.11.2005 |

French farmer sent to prison

French anti-GMO activist, Jose Bove, has been found guilty of destroying genetically modified crops. Bove was sentenced to four months by an appeals court on Tuesday. He was accused of helping to uproot a field of GM maize near the southwestern French city of Toulouse in July 2004.</p><p><a href="">KWQC: Militant French farmer sentenced to prison for ripping up GMO crop</a>

13.11.2005 |

US seeks GM blessing from Pope

The new U.S. ambassador to the Holy See urged the Vatican on Saturday to promote the potential of biotech crops, saying there was a 'moral imperative' to investigate the possible benefits of agricultural technology to feed the world`s hungry.</p><p><a href="">AP: U.S. envoy urges Vatican on biotech crops</a>

12.11.2005 |

Poland: New prime minister pledges to keep country GM free

In his inaugural speech to the Seijm Polands new prime minister Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz yielded ovations of the Parliament when announcing he would keep the country gmo free.</p><p><a href="">Xinhua: Poland parliment approves minoirty govt</a>

10.11.2005 |

Background: GM Contamination worries farmers from Spain to USA

"Biotech pollution," as critics call it, results when genetically modified plants are mixed with ordinary crops by mistake, carelessness or just the wind. With billions of dollars in crop sales at stake, the issue is becoming a significant one for governments around the world. And it is beginning to pit growers of nonbiotech crops against the big biotech producers, as each side battles to serve their very different markets, the Wall Street journal notes.</p><p><a href="">The Wall Street Journal: Biotech-Crop Battle Heats Up as Strains Mix With Others</a>

10.11.2005 |

Poland: Zagorny released, 90% of provinces now gm free

Polish farmer Marian Zagorny, who stood in court to get more than 1 year in jail for attempting to block illegal shipments of GM grain and protesting factory farming of pigs, left the court as a free man. The court agreed that the actions were done to protect Polish agriculture and health. Marian was very happy and sends many thanks also on behalf of his farmers union `solidarni' to all who sent letters of support.</p><p>The Province of Opole in the South West Poland has now become the 14th Polish Province to declare itself a GMO Free Zone. There are now only two provinces left which have not declared themselves GMO Free. It brings the total number of Provinces to have declared GMO Free status to approximately 90% of the total area of Poland.</p><p><a href="">International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside (ICPPC)</a>

06.11.2005 |

Campaign to pardon Polish anti-GMO activist

Marian Zagorny is a Polish farmer, who has consistently protested and taken action against uncontrolled imports of GMOs into Poland. He had been convicted for blocking and opening GM shipments and now faces a prison sentence of more than one year. Letters to the new Polish president call for Zagorny`s pardon.</p><p><a href="">FOE international cyberaction for Marian Zagorny</a>

04.11.2005 |

Czech farmers growing GE corn

Farmers in the Czech Republic have begun growing genetically engineered (GE) corn for the first time, and they could start selling it as early as next year.</p><p><a href="">The Prague Post</a>

03.11.2005 |

Percy Schmeiser picks another fight with Monsanto

Canadian farmer Percy Schmeiser, who had been in a world renown patent fight with Monsanto over RoundupReady oilseed rape, has started another battle with the company. He informed Monsanto that his fields are contaminated with their RR canola again. Monsanto offered to clean his field, if he signed an agreement to take no further legal action and not to disclose the conditions of the agreement. Schmeiser refused and sent them a bill of 50.000 $ instead.</p><p><a href="">Western Producer: Roundup back in Schmeiser field</a>

03.11.2005 |

Commission authorises import of 1507 maize for use in animal feed

The European Commission has authorised the placing on the market of the genetically modified maize 1507. The authorisation covers the import and processing of this GMO, including its use in animal feed.</p><p><a href="">EU Press Release</a></p><p><a href="">food production daily: EU GM approval cannot hide widespread opposition</a>



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