Following Conference of Parties 15 (COP15), a multidisciplinary Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group (mAHTEG) on Synthetic Biology was formed. In early 2024, the mAHTEG issued a set of recommendations to the SBSTTA, outlining a methodology for the ‘broad and regular’ horizon scanning process.
Drawing on the work of the mAHTEG, the Parties at SBSTTA 26 should:
1 – Agree the methodology of the broad and regular process, as outlined and road-tested by the mAHTEG, and confirm that the process should occur at least each biennium (ie, between every COP).
2- Re-emphasize the importance of multidisciplinarity and precaution to the functioning of the broad and regular process.
3- Initiate timely policy formulation processes on priority topics identified by the mAHTEG, including the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with synthetic biology and self-spreading vaccines for wildlife.
4 – Request that assessment guidelines on gene drives also incorporate socioeconomic, cultural, and ethical impacts.
5 – Address other topics raised by the mAHTEG: including issues of North-South equity, self-limiting insects, technology facilitation, and capacity-building for horizon scanning, assessment and monitoring activities.
6- Ensure no release of high risk and unassessed synthetic biology organisms, components, or products takes place.
Please find our briefings here: