EU Seed Legislation Reform

On 6th May, the European Commission will submit a draft provision for the revision of EU seed legislation. The provision includes high charges for the admission procedure and new licensing and certification requirements which would be insuperable for small breeders. It would cause a threat to many old and local fruit, grain and vegetable varieties, and endanger the development of crop diversity. It would also make the free exchange of seeds and seedlings more difficult, and lead to an unavoidable rise in industrial breeds.
Save Our Seeds considers the latest version of the draft published by the Commissioner of Health and Consumer Policy, Tonio Borg, to be unacceptable and requests the Commission to decline the proposal. Save Our Seeds is calling for more seed diversity and participation by farmers, gardeners and breeders across Europe. Only this way can our agricultural and food system adapt to changing environmental conditions and consumer requirements, and defy domination by an ever smaller number of international seed companies in a sustainable manner.