The Color of Science

The innovation potential of relationship networks
7 - 8 March 2014, Berlin
Ten years ago the Foundation on Future Farming (Zukunftsstiftung Landwirtschaft) organised a symposium called “The Colour of Science” ( die Farbe der Forschung). Since then, some of the “weird” theses and ideas put forward at the time have become common sense e.g. transdisciplinarity.
Our second symposium will focus on relationship networks. We want to turn the search for these networks into a framework for innovation. We will focus on context rather than individual technologies, however important these are.
We will present new knowledge and identify new questions, perspectives, strategies and visions for future farming.
No more than 120 people can participate in the event. It is aimed at active networkers and workers from food and agriculture, business, science and environmental movements. In addition to presentations there will be space for group discussion and informal chats.
Networks of relationships: We are of course aware that all things and beings are connected. But just how well do we understand the way relationships form our lives, and that life itself is a relationship? Topics to be covered will range from the genetic and cellular level (epigenetics, mi-RNA, cell communication) to the cooperation between plants and soil organisms ( microbioma, mycorrhizae, mixed crops or agro-forestry ); and animals and landscapes. Human social networks will also be discussed (CSA schemes, farm communities, urban gardening, farmers’ circles, and online communities ). We want to learn more about these dierent networks and structures, and evaluate the innovation potential emerging from them: how best can this potential ourish in practice?