09.08.2002 |

GMOs traced in imported seeds in France - Des traces d'OGM dans des semences de maïs importées

In France 447 samples of imported seeds from 5 countries (USA, Chili, Hungary, South Africa, Turkey) have been tested by the Direction Générale de l'Alimentation . The authority found some GMO contamination in 109 samples. 93% of the samples contained GMOs, authorised in the European Union at levels below 0,5% and where allowed to be markted. 2 samples from Chili showed higher levels of contamination and were sent back, 14 samples needed further analysis. Coordination Paysanne, Greenpeace and the Green Party protested against the marketing of slightly contaminated seeds.En francais seulement:<a href="http://www.zs-l.de/gmo/downloads/figaro_semences.pdf">Le Figaro: 8 auot 02</a></p><p><a href="http://www.zs-l.de/gmo/downloads/france_semences.pdf">AFP: OGM-agriculture</a></p><p><a href="http://www.greenpeace.fr/campagnes/cdp/ogm/O020806.php3">Greenpeace France communique de presse</a>