07.01.2016 |

Contamination on the great north eastern plain: What I saw

GMO contamination in China
GMO contamination in China

There is something special about the soil and the air of the north eastern plain. On the boundary of inhospitable wilderness – the Mongolian steppes and the frozen forests of Siberia – yet one of the most fertile stretches of land in all of China, the north eastern plain is a breadbasket for all of China.

Though the broad expanses of rich, black soil are a powerful sight, the great plain is also extremely delicate. Exposed to dangers such as overly intensive agriculture, its balanced ecosystem can easily be damaged.

In early 2015 we received reports from farmers in Liaoning province that genetically engineered (GE) corn was being cultivated illegally at the heart of the fertile plain. Further tip offs came from journalists and industry experts.