26.06.2016 |

Press Conference: New GMO Technologies – old illusory promises of salvation

What the International Monsanto Tribunal wants to achieve

and why the Bayer-Monsanto merger must be blocked

Berlin, June 22th, 2016 – An alliance between NABU, Navdanya International, IFOAM (International Foundation for Organic Agriculture), Organics International and the Coordination against BAYER risks, invites you to a press conference that will take place on Monday, June 27th, 2016, from 12pm to 1pm at NABU Bundesgeschäftsstelle, Charitéstraße 3, Berlin-Mitte.

The speakers are:

– Dr. Vandana Shiva, globally known activist, eco-feminist, and winner of the Alternative Nobel Prize (Right Livelihood Award, 1993)

– Antonius Michelmann renowned chemist and new director of the Coordination against BAYER risks

-Sarah Wiener, acclaimed cook and activist on food and agricultural issues

Presentation: Bernward Geier