27.04.2018 |

EU bans bee-killing neonic pesticides

EU governments today passed a total ban on bee-harming neonicotinoid pesticides on outdoor crops.

Commenting on the vote, Sandra Bell, bee campaigner for Friends of the Earth Europe said:

"This comprehensive neonicotinoid ban, covering all outdoor crops, is a tremendous victory for our bees and the wider environment.

"The European Commission must now focus on developing a strong pollinator initiative that boosts bee-friendly habitat and helps farmers cut pesticide-use.

Many farmers are already successfully growing crops without neonicotinoids. But too many other damaging chemicals and practices are still used. Farmers need more support from the European Commission and national governments to farm with nature – not against it."

Friends of the Earth Europe is calling for an overhaul of the EU's food and farming system to make it less dependent on pesticides, via a concrete pollinator strategy and a radical change to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The European Commission is expected to issue its proposals for CAP reform on May 31.