16.04.2018 |

Pesticide-Free Towns

Change the system – it doesn’t have to be this way

You can make change happen. Recent decisions to go pesticide-free by Glastonbury, Lewes, Hammersmith & Fulham and other councils across the UK are all a result of local people campaigning for change. And you can do the same with the help and support of PAN UK.

We have created a suite of materials (including a short guide to starting and running a campaign) that are available here, free of charge. We offer expertise and advice as you develop your campaign and are also happy to support you by speaking directly to your local councillors or other land managers.

The important thing to remember is that this is your campaign and you can make a difference. Be part of the growing Pesticide-Free Towns movement and leave a lasting legacy for your local area which protects people and the environment.