Save Our Seeds

Saatgut ist die Grundlage unserer Ernährung. Es steht am Anfang und am Ende eines Pflanzenlebens. Die Vielfalt und freie Zugänglichkeit dieses Menschheitserbes zu erhalten, das von Generation zu Generation weitergegeben wird, ist die Aufgabe von Save Our Seeds.

Foto: Weizenkorn Triticum Karamyschevii Schwamlicum fotografiert von Ursula Schulz-Dornburg im Vavilov Institut zu St.Petersburg

Save Out Seeds Nachricht

28.03.2007 |

EU authorises GMO rapeseed by legal rubberstamp

The European Union authorised German drugs and chemicals group Bayer on Monday to market various genetically modified (GMO) rapeseed types across the bloc for the next 10 years, the EU executive said. Bayer"s application relates to industrial processing, which includes use in animal feed, for rapeseed types Ms8, Rf3 and hybrids of these two -- all engineered to resist the glufosinate-ammonium herbicide. It does not involve cultivation. The EU decision is a rubberstamp procedure applied by the European Commission -- the EU"s executive arm. It is permitted under a legal default process that kicks in when ministers are unable to agree among themselves after a period of three months.

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